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Sunday, September 3, 2017


Reaching peak performance
Mental toughness can get you
hitting and fielding in the clutch

Quotes taken from a longer article titled “Is Your Mental Game Holding You Back?” posted at Competitive Advantage.

Wesley Wolverine sophomore #23
UT Brooke Retkowski (Baltimore, MD).
You can't reach your softball dreams without learning to develop mental toughness. That is, you have to learn how to: stay calm under pressure; bounce back quickly from errors and bad at-bats; concentrate on what's important and block out everything else; use failures as a source of motivation and positive feedback; believe in yourself; stay motivated to work towards your goals; avoid psych-outs and intimidation; and mentally prepare for those big games…

Want the secret to good concentration? Keep your mind in the 'now' of the performance. Ball players who mentally 'time travel' into the future and/or back to the past during performance always run into performance problems.

Wesley Wolverine junior #13 Utility Ashley Royer (Lititz, PA).