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Monday, December 18, 2017



Paragraphs below pulled from an article headlined “3 Simple Ways to Visualize Victory” by Blake DeHaven at MySportsMentor.com. Please CLICK HERE for the full story.

“The art of visualization is the process of constructing mental images that allow athletes to mentally prepare for what they want to come. These simple steps can help...

“RELAX… enables the brain to vividly process mental images… taking deep breaths and relaxing muscles… This process stimulated the brain to start imagery.

“INTEND THE OUTCOME… begin the visualization process… rehearse the desired action or competition in their mind. While imagining the positive outcome it is also important to analyze every aspect of the event to vividly create the mental image...

“BE CONFIDENT. Visualization is a great pre-competition preparation tool, but it is essential that the athlete remains confident during the actual competition. When visualization becomes a part of an athletes training techniques they will feel more prepared having rehearsed the event… great track coach, Jose Barbosa, always said, “Your mind runs.” Maximizing the potential of the mind is the next competitive advantage in sport.

Wesley Wolverine sophomore #23 MI Brooke Retkowski (Baltimore, MD).