Wesley College “Great Things Await” @ Dover, Delaware. KEY LINKS: SOFTBALL HOMEPAGE FACEBOOK TWITTER INSTAGRAM coaches DuPont field admissions (plan a visit) softball news roster schedule team stats lineup stats CAC standings / leaders) winter camp/details. To contact the team, write Head Coach Juli Greep at Juli.Greep@wesley.edu; contact this blog via WesleySoftball@gmail.com. Other than being a parent of a past player, this blog has no association with Wesley College. This blog designed to be best viewed in a Chrome browser.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Tuesday, November 7

39 photos below of fastpitch 
Wesley Wolverines working hard. 

Always inspiring to watch the dedication of these young women to personal sweat and physical exertion taken to their limits, night after winter night, solely to prepare themselves individually and as a team for the most success possible in the 2018 softball season.